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Double Tax Agreement Botswana

By December 13, 2022Uncategorized

As globalization continues to expand, international business is becoming more and more common. However, with international business comes the issue of double taxation. This is where the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) comes in. The DTA is an agreement between two countries that aims to avoid the issue of double taxation, whereby a company may be taxed twice on the same income, in both their home country and the country they are operating in.

In Botswana, the government has signed a number of DTAs with various countries, including South Africa, the United Kingdom, and China. Each agreement is unique and offers specific provisions to avoid double taxation. Here is a brief overview of the DTA between Botswana and South Africa.

The Botswana-South Africa DTA came into force in 1979 and was last amended in 2015. The agreement covers various forms of income, including income from employment, business profits, royalties, interest, and dividends. The agreement provides for specific treatment of each type of income, ensuring that companies are not double-taxed.

For example, under the agreement, a company operating in South Africa and receiving royalties from Botswana will only be taxed in Botswana. This means that the company will not be taxed twice on the same income. Additionally, the agreement allows for tax relief in certain circumstances, such as where a company suffers a loss in one country and earns a profit in another.

It is important to note that the DTA is not a universal solution to the issue of double taxation. Companies must still comply with the tax laws of both countries and should seek professional advice to ensure compliance. Additionally, companies must keep detailed records and evidence of their income and taxes paid in each country as proof for the tax authorities.

In conclusion, the Double Taxation Agreement between Botswana and South Africa is an important tool for international businesses operating in these countries. It offers specific provisions that aim to avoid the issue of double taxation and promote trade and investment. However, companies must still comply with the tax laws of both countries and seek professional advice to ensure compliance and avoid any potential legal issues.